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The King's NinjaTrader 8 Indicator Collection:


You will receive a License Key via email after your payment is received.

To request a 3 day free trial on any of the indicators fill out the license key request form below and select the indicator you want to try and we will email your license key asap.


We are currently offering a "buy one get one free" offer on all indicators of an equal or lesser value from the purchased indicator. This offer will expire on 12-16. To receive your indicator just email or call and let us know what indicators you want after you've purchased the first indicator.

You can browse our indicator selection using the menu on the left. We have many powerful tools you can use to enhance your trading for the NinjaTrader 8 platform.


If you need custom programming to create a personalized indicator please click here to fill out our free consult form on the home page for a price and time estimate. We can code anything you need for a flat fee and a fast delivery time.



Several New Indicators Coming Soon!


For custom indicator development please click here to fill out the free consult form on our home page with your project details and we will contact you with a price quote.



Indicator Free Trial ID Request Form

You will receive your trial id soon!

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